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Brow Lift (Browplasty) Sydney & Gosford

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A brow lift (browplasty) reduces the wrinkles in the forehead and returns the eyebrows to a higher position. It can also decrease the appearance of extra upper eyelid skin.

As well as reducing the wrinkles on the forehead and lifting eyebrows that have dropped, it is also possible to permanently modify some of the muscles that form creases between the eyebrows (glabella) and crows feet, producing a more permanent solution to these lines, similar to the effect of antiwrinkle treatment injections.

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Eyebrow lifts (browplasty) can be performed through an incision within the hairline, or with an endoscope, making the procedure possible through much smaller incisions. Dr Cope uses small incisions decreases a number of problems inherent with the older procedure, such as scarring, numbness of the scalp, and hair loss around the incision.

A forehead lift is performed under general anaesthetic as a day surgery or overnight stay procedure. After the surgery, there is some bruising and swelling that usually takes 7-10 days to resolve*, with most patients returning to work after 10 days*.

Browlift (browplasty) is often combined with blepharoplasty, to reduce excess eyelid skin, or a facelift (rhytidectomy) to improve the lower part of the face as well.

There are also a number of options if you are not ready for a brow lift, such as antiwrinkle treatments and SkinTyte or Ultraformer III skin tightening treatments, with less downtime than surgery. While the effects are not as good or as long-lasting as surgery, there will be some improvement*.

Many patients who have brow lift surgery in Sydney also have the facial skin rejuvenated with skin treatments such as Halo or Profractional laser resurfacing,  or Broadband Light (BBL) which improves the texture and appearance of the skin.

*Note results vary from person to person

Frequently Asked Questions

Anyone with eyebrows that have dropped lower, which often contributes to excess skin on the upper eyelids, or wrinkles on the forehead. Patients with significant eyebrow asymmetry can also have this corrected at the time of surgery. If you have a long forehead, then this can also be corrected with a forehead shortening browlift, although this means accepting more obvious scars (at the hairline, rather than in the hairline) after the surgery.

This depends on the way you are ageing, as people age at different rates – the right time is when your eyebrows have dropped and wrinkles are bothering you. Most people have browlifts between 45-65 years old, although ages vary from people in their 30s to 70s

A brow lift lifts the eyebrows into a higher position, often together with weakening the muscles that produce lines on the forehead.

There are many techniques of eyebrow lifts, but full brow lift involve lifting the entire eyebrow (both outer and inner), together with weakening the muscles that produce lines on the forehead. In some patients this can be performed through relatively small incisions, but patients with deeper lines or with significant eyebrow asymmetry require a larger incision on the top of the scalp.

Many patients only need a lateral browlift, as in many people the outer part of the eyebrow drops down a long time before the inner part drops – this involves incisions only in the temple, rather than in the scalp as well. Patients who only have lateral brow ptosis (droop) may also be suitable for a direct skin excision, leaving an incision just above the eyebrow itself.

If you have a long forehead, then this can also be corrected with a brow lift, although this means accepting more obvious scars (at the hairline rather than behind the hairline) after the surgery.

There is also an option of removing skin directly above the eyebrow, although this can leave a visible scar.

Dr Charles Cope will discuss options with you and be able to provide you with an individualised plan of what will give you the best result.

No one should be able to tell that you have had a browlift – this comes down to skill & experience of the surgeon – a browlift performed by Dr Charles Cope will not look obvious or strange

A full brow lift ‘turns back the clock’’ 10 years or more.  However, you continue to age and develop more skin laxity and wrinkles with time. Many people have a second browlift 10-20 years later if the original was only a lateral brow lift, while full browlifts often last for more than 20 years.

Many people have other procedures performed at the same time as brow lift surgery, the commonest being upper blepharoplasty. Other surgeries such as lower face & neck lift & facial fat transfer are also commonly performed at the same time as a forehead lift.

There are many techniques of browlifts – many patients only need a lateral browlift, as in many people the outer part of the eyebrow drops down a long time before the inner part drops – this involves incisions only in the temple, rather than in the scalp as well. Patients who only have lateral brow ptosis (droop) may also be suitable for a direct skin excision, leaving an incision just above the eyebrow itself.

There are also non-surgical skin tightening lasers such as SkinTyte and Ultraformer III, which improve skin laxity and wrinkles. Dr Charles Cope will discuss options with you and be able to provide you with an individualised plan of what will give you the best result.

There are good skin-tightening devices such as SkinTyte and Ultraformer III, which lifts and tightens by heating collagen causing immediate collagen contraction, followed by progressive collagen remodelling and tightening over the 6 months following the treatment. These are simple office treatments with no downtime. However, these treatments do not remove all skin laxity (are not as good as surgery) and need multiple treatments, but are options if you are not ready for surgery.

The operation is performed as a day-surgery or overnight stay procedure in an accredited hospital, depending on what you are like with anaesthetic recovery

Incisions for most browlifts are usually hidden within the hairline, although sometimes incisions can be made along the hairline or above the eyebrow which are more obvious.

During the first 5-7 days after surgery you need to rest and take things quietly at home. The first 2 days you need to apply ice packs to your temple/forehead area, which minimise the bruising and swelling. Most people drive to the postoperative visit, which is 5-7 days later, and are back to work at this time after suture removal after browlift surgery*.

For most people it is 10-14 days until they are ready to return to sport and full activities*

*Note results vary from person to person

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