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Anti Wrinkle Injections Sydney & Gosford

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Anti-wrinkle injections have been recognised as an efficient treatment for eyebrow and jawline reshaping, treatment of migraines, excessive sweating & teeth grinding.

Anti-wrinkle injections can be used to treat a wide range of medical conditions and as well as being used to reduce wrinkles – common other indications are to treat excessive sweating, treat migraines, stop teeth grinding, treat some TMJ (temperomandibular joint) dysfunction, and to reshape the jawline.

Anti-wrinkle treatments have been used safely for over thirty years in the treatment of many medical conditions in both adults and children, including squint and cerebral palsy muscle contractures in children, as well as cosmetic treatments.

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The main cosmetic use for anti-wrinkle injections is to improve lines around the eye, eyebrow and forehead. These wrinkles form with time from activity of muscles in these areas. Anti-wrinkle injections can be used to temporarily weaken these muscles, causing the lines to diminish as the muscles which produced them no longer move.

Anti-wrinkle injections can also be used to lift and reshape the outer eyebrow, to reshape the jawline and help reduce teeth grinding, and to reduce muscle bands in the neck and to give the jawline a lift (Nefertiti lift).

anti-wrinkle injections before Permanent Lines Start

If anti-wrinkle injections are used to treat lines that are very shallow, then often these disappear completely.

If the lines are deep and permanent then other treatments such as dermal fillers or laser resurfacing as Halo or Profractional laser or DUALMODE resurfacing lasers may be required if you wish the lines to be removed completely.

If you start regular treatments with anti-wrinkle injections before permanent lines start, then you will delay wrinkles appearing.

Treatment involves a series of tiny injections into the muscle directly beneath the wrinkle line. The injection causes about 10 seconds of stinging, and occasionally a slight swelling or bruising may occur*.

The patient should move the muscles in the injected area for 5-10 minutes after the injection, and must remain upright for four hours following treatment, and resist touching or massaging the treated area as this could spread the anti-wrinkle treatments into unwanted areas. The effects will be noticeable 4-7 days later and last for between 3 months or more*. The results often last longer with further successive treatments*.

Complications are uncommon but can occur. The most common complication is partial eyelid droop (occurring in about 2% of injections), and eyebrow droop or asymmetry – this may last up to three weeks*, after which it resolves itself. Anti-wrinkle treatments cannot be used in pregnant or breast feeding women.

*Note results may vary from person to person

Before and After Anti Wrinkle Injections

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